Sunday 3 April 2016

April News!

Here comes spring....hopefully!!

This is what we're working on:


  • We finished our shared reading of "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes". Students wrote some very insightful thoughts about the story in their reading response journals.
  • We will begin our literature circles with a new novel shortly. Students will be responsible for completing the assigned reading and their "role", such as Discussion Leader, Trait Tracker, Illustrator etc., and then will meet in small groups to share and discuss. Class time will be provided, although some students may need to finish their work at home in order to be prepared for their circle meeting. This is also an opportunity for students to practice and demonstrate their collaboration skills.
  • Persuasive Writing with multiple paragraphs


This number sense and numeration unit is a BIG one! It covers the following:
  • multiply 2-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers
  • divide 2-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers
  • represent, compare and order decimal numbers to tenths
  • count forward by tenths from any decimal number expressed to one decimal place
  • add and subtract decimal numbers to tenths
  • add and subtract money amounts and provide change for amounts up to $100
  • compare and order fractions
  • explain the relationship between equivalent fractions
  • relating fractions to decimals

Social Studies

  • Early Societies from 3000 BCE to 1500 CE 
  • We will be examining aspects of Medieval Society together as a class, and students will be conducting inquires into another early society of their choice (Ancient Rome, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia or Greece) independently (with guidance, of course)

  • Continuing with volleyball
  • Beginning track and field later this month
The Arts

  • Music - relating note-values to fractions in math
  • Drama games